


We are a diverse community of faculty and staff with a strong commitment to creating a transformative learning environment that prepares students to reach their potential personally and professionally.


欢迎来到工商管理系! Our AACSB accredited undergraduate degree programs include 工商管理, 经济学, 管理, 市场营销, 及供应链管理. Non-business majors across campus can also choose a 工商管理 and 市场营销 minor. 全校所有专业都可以选修经济学辅修.  In addition, we offer a Master of 工商管理 degree and a Ph.D. 工商管理, with concentrations in 管理, 经济学, and Accounting.



工商管理课程结合了管理学的课程, 市场营销, 经济学, 金融, 商业法, offering students a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company and how they connect to one another. These topics are especially beneficial for students with small business ownership plans and for students who want to have an administrative career in financial organizations.

经济学 – Our 经济学 degree is a specialized academic program that focuses on the study of how societies allocate resources to meet their needs and wants. This degree typically takes four years to complete and covers a wide range of topics related to economic systems, 政策, 和趋势. The curriculum for an 经济学 degree includes courses in micro经济学, 宏观经济学, 计量经济学, 以及经济史. 学生们还选修数学课程, 统计数据, and data analysis to develop the analytical and quantitative skills needed to understand and analyze economic phenomena.

工商管理 – Our 工商管理 degree is a specialized academic program that provides students with a broad understanding of the principles and practices of business 管理. The degree typically takes four years to complete and covers a wide range of topics related to business operations, 策略, 金融, 和市场营销.The curriculum for a 工商管理 degree includes courses in accounting, 金融, 市场营销, 运营管理, 组织行为学. 学生们还选修经济学课程, 统计数据, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader business environment.

管理 -Our business 管理 degree is a specialized academic program that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage and lead businesses. The degree typically takes four years to complete and covers a wide range of topics related to business operations, 策略, 领导, 和金融. The curriculum for a business 管理 degree includes courses in accounting, 金融, 市场营销, 运营管理, 组织行为, 和领导能力. 学生们还选修经济学课程, 统计数据, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader business environment.

市场营销 – Our 市场营销 degree is a specialized academic program that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to create, 促进, 并在当今的全球市场上分销产品和服务. The degree typically takes four years to complete and covers a wide range of topics related to 市场营销 research, 消费者的行为, 品牌, 广告, 数字营销. The curriculum for a 市场营销 degree includes courses in 市场营销 research, 消费者的行为, 品牌, 广告, 公共关系, 数字营销. 学生们还选修统计学课程, 经济学, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader business environment.

供应链管理 -Our 供应链管理 degree is a specialized academic program that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The degree typically takes four years to complete and covers a wide range of topics related to logistics, 运营管理, 采购, 和运输. The curriculum for a 供应链管理 degree includes courses in logistics and 供应链管理, 运营管理, 采购, 运输, 库存管理. 学生们还选修统计学课程, 经济学, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader business environment.

学习 BY

Our programs are designed to equip students with critical skills and competencies that prepare them to pursue careers in 政府al agencies, 私营部门, 非营利组织, 创业企业. The 工商管理系 and the 商学院 has established connections with corporate, 政府, 以及提供实习机会的社区组织, 合作社, 兼职和全职职位.



经济学专业的毕业生, 工商管理, 管理, 市场营销, and 供应链管理 degree programs are well-prepared for a variety of career paths. They have the skills and knowledge needed to understand the various aspects of business operations and to make sound business decisions. They also have the 领导 skills needed to inspire and motivate employees, 建立成功的团队, 并带领组织走向成功. 

职业生涯 机会

工商管理 majors have a plethora of career options after studying 管理, 市场营销, 经济学, 供应链管理, 商业法:

采购官 办公室管理员 人力RESOURCES经理 体育运营经理
广告及市场经理 城市经理 特许经营管理 业务开发Personnel/顾问


The 工商管理系 has multiple offerings for students to join renowned student organizations.

想了解更多? 点击下面查看我们的组织.








欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2531与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



1400约翰·R. 林奇街,
杰克逊,MS 39217


(601) 979-2531